Are you located in NYC / NY area?
Physically me and my team are located in Moscow, Russia, but it has never been a technical obstacle for work implementation
Have you performed any designs in NYC / USA?
Yes, I have already done couple designs in NYC and have some current projects in other states
How will you measure my rooms?
I have lot of partners, who will visit you and perform dimensioning. Also you can do it by yourself just using the common tools and sending us photos
Do you take an advance payment for the job?
Yes, advance payment is a common attribute of our contract, but its size is considered individually for every case
How can I be sure that you complete the work properly after retainer?
The agreement will stipulate our undertakings. Also you will have guarantees of our partners, but the best ones are our goodwill and testimonials from Russian and US customers
Do you have employees of a proper qualification?
Our employees have graduated from the high-class Russian universities and proved their qualification by the mesmerizing top-quality projects in Russia and the United States
Do you have any permissions / licenses?
We have all necessary permissions for the proposed kind of works
How should I transfer money?
We accept a direct transfer from your account or payment through PayPal. Agreed individually for your convenience
Do you have any references of the recognizable persons / organizations?
We have performed lot of architectural and design solutions for the Russian celebrities. Check Portfolio
How long will it take to implement design for my house / flat?
Considered individually for every project
What is your price?
A project’s estimate will be considered individually and optimized to your wishes and financial abilities. You can check prices in Portfolio (click on project)

3D visualization
Create photorealistic models of your interior pieces /ensembles

Interior layout
Clear vision of rooms and furniture location